CHICAGO, IL—In a desperate attempt to buy more time and construct some semblance of lucid feedback, Leo Burnett CD Dante Ferrara contemplatively rubbed his chin straight down to the bone, sources confirmed Tuesday. “After we showed him our work, he just sat there for hours stroking his beard,” said Junior Copywriter Kevin O’Malley, adding that he’d watched in horror as Ferrara’s thumb and index finger progressively scraped through hair, skin and a full centimeter of flesh.
“Technically, he did say something,” noted Junior Art Director Kelly Chang, citing that at one point Ferrara lurched forward, seeming ready to contribute some form of valuable critique, but merely whimpered “Hmmmmm, interesting”, as he yet again sifted through the blood-saturated printouts. Ferrara himself, despite blinding pain and traumatic mutilation, remained confident that he could caress his exposed mandible long enough to articulate a constructive response. “I’ve still got some time before I hit any marrow,” he groaned through his now deformed jaw. At press time, a hallucinatory Ferrara was being rushed away in an ambulance while advising an EMT to “push the concept further.”